EPIC is delighted to have been included in Margaret Wente’s column “Please give: Here’s where, and why” in the Saturday, December 22 edition of The Globe and Mail.
From Margaret’s column:
If you’re in a giving mood, here’s a personal selection of charities where your money will go far. I’ve written about several of them through the years. They’re heavily skewed toward services for high-risk children and adolescents, where an intervention at the right time can make a big difference. Most of these groups have been recognized for excellence by either Charity Intelligence or the Donner Foundation, which evaluate charitable groups for transparency, accountability and value for money. All began as small grassroots agencies with a strong founding vision. All are passionate about what they do. And all of them transform lives.
Here’s what she had to say about us:
Educational Program Innovations Charity Society, North Sydney, N.S.: Cape Breton can be a tough place to grow up. Unemployment and low literacy are big problems. EPIC helps the kids who are falling through the cracks because they don’t have people in their lives who can give them good advice or the motivation to succeed. It hooks them up with young adults who give them tutoring, camaraderie and a safe place to hang out. According to its website, 98.7 per cent of its funding goes directly to charitable activities, and it has been named by the Donner Foundation as one of the best-run charities in Canada. This is what “prevention” is all about.
We are proud to be included in this list of deserving charitable organizations.
Donations will soon be accepted on this site through PayPal. In the meantime, please contact us at epiccharity@gmail.com and we will get back to you promptly.