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Made by EPIC

EPIC is pleased to make available the following resources created by the staff, volunteers and participants of the Youth Peer Breakthrough and Parents PEACE Program in past and current projects.

Each of these resources are copyrighted © by EPIC under a 3.0 Creative Commons License. We are happy to share them for non-commercial use. Please click on the icon below for details about the requirements for use:


These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The attribution:


EPIC – Educational Program Innovations Charity Society: © ;

must be on any and all printed and/or electronic versions that you use or distribute.


Please drop us an email note at to let us know you wish to use them. We appreciate your interest and cooperation. Thanks.


Breakthrough Handbook


Breakthrough is a program for youth 16 – 30 who are former or current participants in Youth Peer. The Notebook is a youth-generated resource, written in 2011 – 2013 with funding from the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia. Challenges that these students identified were discussed in a safe group situation while a Breakthrough staff person wrote down the student’s ideas, both the pitfalls and the strategies for overcoming or avoiding them. The notebook is intended to transform the insights of youth participants into a practical and easy-to-use lifeline for other youth in similar crisis situations.

Tutor/Mentor Volunteer Handbook


This booklet was researched and written by the volunteers and staff of Youth Peer in 2012 – 2013 with funding from the Central Cape Breton Community Health Board and Intact Insurance. Volunteers brainstormed topics that tutors might likely encounter and then researched activities that would engage and inform students. The handbook offers group and individual activities for issues pertaining to Anger Management, Stress, Hygiene, Bullying and Self-Esteem.

Bridging Over Learning Difficulties


The B.O.L.D Handbook was written in 2009 – 2010 with funding from IWK. This resource is designed to assist volunteers in tutoring and mentoring students who have challenges in learning. It contains practical, specific strategies for dealing with common learning difficulties and behaviours.

Community Youth Empowerment Toolkit


The Community Youth Empowerment Toolkit was undertaken in 2003 – 2004 with sponsorship from Volunteer Canada. Volunteer tutors with the help of Youth Peer staff, came up with recurring areas of concern in dealing with their students. The topics were then researched and written up by tutors with the goal of developing a standardized guide to be used by volunteers in many situations where youth are involved.

Parents PEACE Framework

Parents PEACE Framework_Image.JPG

The PEACE Framework, developed for the Parents PEACE Program, which ran successfully for 20 years from 2004 to 2024is designed to give a parent ready, easy-to-understand and remember tools for dealing with all kinds of parenting situations.

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